
“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8

Welcome to the WINGS Fellowship page!

I’m Stacy Compton the leader of fellowship and have outstanding sidekicks to motivate me along the way. Leslie Colston, Lisa Maynard, Sylvia Bailey and Melanie Coleman will be serving along side me for the next two years. In the next two years our plan is to be sure that EVERY age group of ladies in our church feels a part of the fellowship fun. We also will be involving young ladies entering Jr High/High School as well as those ladies entering or already in college. These groups of young ladies will have their own few fellowships as well. As the mother of a young daughter soon entering Jr High, I feel it very important to minister to these younger ladies. They are in a world of youth struggling for answers only found in our Sweet Savior, Jesus. Only He can make them feel completely loved and safe. My sidekicks have or have had young daughters of their own and understand this need. I ask you, pray for me and my team daily. Pray we will seek The Lord and His will for WINGS Fellowships over the next two years.

Fellowship Leader

Stacy Compton